
FREEDOMPOP: il primo operatore mobile completamente gratuito. Free call, free text, free data.

La start up americana FreedomPop ha annunciato il lancio del primo free mobile service.

Sfruttando la connessione ad internet e la tecnologia Voip FreedomPop permette agli utenti di usufruire di un account freemium che include 200min di chiamate verso tutti, messaggi gratis illimitati e 500mb di traffico. Sarà disponibile a partire dalla fine di quest’estate negli Stati Uniti per tutti i device Android, e speriamo presto anche in Europa.

FreedomPop punta a conquistare in pochi mesi ampie quote di mercato, rivolgendosi ai consumatori (e alla loro felicità) con numerosi servizi, tra cui il lancio di smartphone lowcost e la possibilità di ottenere un account premium a soli 10$ al mese (illimited calls).

L’introduzione della filosofia freemium nelle tipologie di contratti telefonici provocherà senza dubbio una grandissima rivoluzione del mercato mobile, assottigliando i margini del traffico voce e obbligando le compagnie telefoniche a rivalutare il modello di business che domina la rete.

Per anni siamo stati consapevoli  che le compagnie telefonica speculassero sulle tariffe a consumo sfruttando un oligopolio sin troppo facile da gestire, ma con l’evoluzione del mercato mobile i centesimi di euro non viaggiano più via cavo, ne soffrono lo scatto alla risposta. Prima o poi anche la lobby italiana dovrà fare i conti con la concorrenza.

Di seguito il comunicato stampa ufficiale:


No monthly fees, no hidden charges, no carriers

LOS ANGELES, CA, JUNE 5, 2013 – FreedomPop, today announced the first-ever completely free mobile service with free voice, free text and free data. FreedomPop’s ground breaking service will give users a guaranteed 500 MBs of 4G data for free, unlimited texting, and 200 free anytime voice minutes each month. In addition, FreedomPop users will enjoy free unlimited calls to each other.

“This is not only disruptive, but game-changing,” said Jonathan Chaplin from Newstreet, an investment firm focused on the telecom industry. “This move completely marginalizes the voice network by leveraging VoIP over cellular and is extremely threatening to already declining voice margins.”

The FreedomPop service will be available on several popular Android phones later this summer and will be the first-ever all-data devices running 100 percent VoIP over cellular networks.

“The quality of over-the-top VoIP services is now at a stage where we can deliver the major mobile services completely free to consumers. FreedomPop is changing the mobile market for good with the sole intent of bringing better value to the consumer,” said Stephen Stokols, FreedomPop’s CEO and co-founder. “FreedomPop’s mission is to ensure that everyone has access to affordable, convenient and essential communication services. With this launch, we’ve just taken a very big step towards delivering on this promise.”

With gross margins of over 50 percent on its ‘freemium’ products and services, led by outstanding consumer demand and high growth rates, FreedomPop has demonstrated the commercial viability of its model of delivering 4G wireless to the mass market.

FreedomPop is looking to officially launch the service and phones later this summer, but interested users can sign up for early access now at FreedomPop.com/phone.


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